Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Why do men not like to visit the doctor??

Women see looking after their body as maintenance
Men see looking after their body as repair

From my reading of this subject I have gathered a few observations. Firstly, men don't take time off work to go to the doctors. Secondly, they feel vulnerable and weak and are uncomfortable by this. Thirdly, they feel as though it is too formal, dulling the tone of the experience. Moreover, they are worried that they hear that they have something serious.....

There are some suggestions out there by the men of the world, which may make them more inclined to go to the doctors. These are as follows; Extending the hours of some surgeries during the week and into the weekends. Employing more male receptionists and male nurses, so their is more of a gender equality in surgeries. Also, having male magazines social or health related and male posters up on the walls.

Interview 23:26pm
subject: white male
Occupation: Engineer

Q: How often do you visit the doctor?
A: Only when I have been physically injured.

Q: How would you describe the experience of going to the doctor?
A: Long, drawn-out, boring and a waste of time.

Q: Are you put off by visiting the doctor and if so why?
A: Yes because guys don't like taking about feelings and doctors ask probing questions.

Q: What could improve your doctors visit?
A: Less formal. Like shopping I like to go in, get what I need and leave. I would like the same applied to a doctors visit.

Q: Are there enough campaigns out there about mens health do you think and if not why do you think that is?
A: I've seen a few, but they haven't made much of an impact. I don't think that anything will happen to me until it happens.

Q: If you were to make an advert to get men back into doctors surgeries what would it sound or look like?
A: It would show an average guy before and after. Fine one day and dying the next. At the end showing that a simple doctors visit could have prevented the rapid decline in health.

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