Friday, 7 October 2011

What does it take to get your man to the doctor??

For this one day brief I would create an advertising campaign that tries to extract the fear men have of going to the doctor. I would also try to get rid of that inferiority complex that most men have. If you want to get a guy to do something they don't want to, it's best from my experience to bribe him with either beer, sex or sports. I had a few ideas that I will illustrate and post as a short story board for this campaign. The first one will be a wife holding a pole with a hook on the end dangling beer in front of her husbands face, leading him to the doctor. The next two images will have a similar theme, but with a bra dangling in one and a football or golf club in the other.

Originally, we were put into groups to come up with a campaign, which would encourage men to go to the doctor and we came up with:
"The doctor doesn't know your weaknesses, but you do"
At the beginning, I thought this was a good concept. It explained that men have this 'there's nothing wrong with me' attitude which is a mask to hide what is really wrong with them. However, in each of the sketched concepts shown above it conveys that the mother, girlfriend, wife knows exactly what is wrong with him. Thus, communicating to the women out there that they should trust their instincts and get their man to the doctor as soon as they notice something is wrong.

In order to reach these final concepts we came up with various useful brainstorming techniques; creating an 'idea wall', using AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action), using the Ansoff matrix to help refrain us from over analysing and encouraging us to look at what has already been done campaign wise, with regards to this issue. We also made up a short questionnaire focused at men to find out why they didn't like to visit the doctor regularly. Consequently, the market research was all there, but I don't think we quite hit the nail on the head when it came to resulting in a successful solution to the problem. Thus my reason for trying to come up with an alternative. Stay tuned for my outcomes....

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