Why would you buy smash? There are not artificial colourings, it has less calories than regular mash potatoes, It's quick and easy to use. Y0u only need hot water- good for if you don't have a microwave. Long cupboard life. Suitable for vegetarians. Easy to store.
What is smash? - a low calorie alternative to mash potato.
Where would you find it? Supermarkets, small supermarket chains i.e spar, nisa, co-op.
Busy Mothers
How long does it take you to make dinner for your family? What nutrients are important for you to give your kids? What do your kids enjoy eating? Would you consider giving your children smash?
What food do you take with you when you're camping? Do you often boil water? Does the price of food come into consideration when buying for a camping trip? What cooking utensils do you take? Would you buy smash?
Do you buy food for convenience for health reasons or for quick preparation? How much is your weekly shop? Is price an issue? How regularly do you shop? On average how long do you spend making dinner? Do you usually just cook for yourself? Would you buy smash?
old people
How do you buy your food? How regularly do you buy groceries? What food products do you find you buy the most? Do you cook for yourself or for family too? What would make it easier for you to cook for yourself? What is your favourite meal? Why? Do you remember smash? Would you buy smash?
We are going to use semi-structured interviews to find out what people like to eat, how they like to cook and why thy buy the food products they buy. This will then enable us to determine what type of person is most likely to buy/use smash?