Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Assignment 2 stories written by a community education student in her second year. She comes from the western Isles.

Pic 1

Society today. We judge people within the first thirty seconds of looking at them. We see a group of youths, we expect trouble. Labeling young people, ASBOS, hood-rats, hoodlums, junkies. Soon they will become the label they are given. What do you expect? Society is flawed.

Pic 2

"I would forget my head if t wasn't screwed on" Probably the most over used saying. But why? Is todays society getting more forgetful or are we trying to fit too much into our lives? Do we take too much on so that we can't live life the way we want? We become sloppy, we forget things and we no longer appreciate what we have. We only live once. Therefore, we should slow down, take a look around us and realise what we have before it's too late. Let the people we care about it know it and be grateful we will never loose or forget our heads!

Pic 3

Babies. Britain has a massive teenage pregnancy rate, we also live in a world where celebrities are adopting babies from countries all over the world every other week. Is this right? Of course not, but we see all of these starving children and their parents or lack of sprawled all over the news and we feel horrible. Yet when I celebrity adopts a child from the developing world, they are WRONG in the publics eyes, mearly for saving a life.

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