Charters, S (2009) Journal of Product and Brand Management: 18 (4) p284-291
Design/Methodology/approach. The customer feels more comfortable with a brand if it is consistent. It is more recognisable and they know exactly what it's supposed to look like. The findings of this paper suggest that rather than wine being the same all the time it is necessary to offer a regular standard of quality with certain guidelines. Only then will consumers actually start to seek out such inconsistency. It is argued that this is relevant for other goods, such as, fashion, foods, drinks, etc. This journal also points out that it may be a good idea to get the consumers involved with the brand co-cretion.
Drapes (2007) Give fakers a reality check:Oliver, M. Martin, A: p32-33
Methods used to prevent counterfit brands; KSS coding used in all branding products. This certainlly helps to counteract fake purchases and ensures the customer they are buying the correct product.
Ehrlich, Matthew, C (2005) Symposium on Media Ethics Essay. 19 Notre Dame J.L: p519
It is the responsibility of the professionals to promote the truth- avoid fake brands/mixed messages.
Handler, Milton (1929) False and misleading Advertising: 39 Yale L.J: p22
Addresses the Issue of how millions of people are robbed every yaer when they are being sold these counterfit products. 'How can the gigantic evil of false advertising be surpressed?' Posted by Mr Humphrey.
Juggessur, J (2009) Journal of Brand Management 16 (5-6): p383-394
Title of this section: Is fashion promotion counterfit brands?
Keywords: consumption, counterfits, Fashion- High fashion brands, symbolism.
Keller, K.L (2003) Business Horizons 46 (3) p49-59
Branding in developing markets. Improving methods if visual communication to help the consumer understand what is being told or made aware to them. Developing worlds need to improve their marketing skills.
McCracken, G.D, Roth, V.J (1989) International Journal of Research in Marketing, 6 (1), p13-33
Does clothing have a code? Empirical findings and theoretical implications in the study of clothing as a means of communication.
Scopus (2008) Fashion Buisness International (June/July) : p19 onwards
"Working alongside Natilus security to help custmers guard against imitations" Encrypted 2D and 3D images are hidden in the packaging of the product to help detect what products are real.
Senfit, J (2004) Fashion Buisness International (Aug/Sept): p32-33
Kate Spade has constructed a website, telling customers where they can by the real thing. Thus clamping down on the sales of fake brands.
Wasserman, Todd (2008) Bright Ideas. Brandweek 7/28/2008, Vol. 49 Issue 28: p16-20
This article introduces a series of articels about Innovative marketing and advertising stratedies in 2008. This includes "Dark Marketing", web serial Branding, "The Fake Action-Flick Pitch", "Text messaging gets big (very big), "Petrol marketing" and breakout store brands".
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